and then you get the question "How was your weekend?"

Last night I worked and afterwards I went out and took a beer with Jenny and the Sturk.
Anyone else who thinks that this sounds a lot like my last weekened?
It's because last weekend I did pretty much the same thing, and I know that next weekend will be exactly the same because it's LG on Globen and the staff party the same weekend.
Then you get the question "How was your weekend?" And what the hell do one reply to that?
I was working for ten hours, then I partied for fice!
That doesn't sound sane.
So what am I doing for my weekends?
I'm working and bouse away money I don't have.


Can you guess what it was?
Not that hard maybe
So now I'm ready for graduation whether I want to or not.
Time for ice cream, then show, then work!

Friends forever


Bye bye M07

I've spent x number of hours with trying to fix that video and now all the pictures are in sync with the song and a few small details have been fixed. This can be good.
Now it's just that part where I have to write all the remaining essays then, but it'll god fast if I put my mind to it, and then I'm rewarding myself by sitting outside at Trollbäckens IP and watch a football game.
I've said that I'll bring pom poms with me.

it's the one thing on my mind

AND, I've come to the decision that I will be Katy Perry on the staff party, and I've got almost everything I need, except jewellery, dress, hair, make up technique...
Well well, at least I've got a pair of heart shaped sunglasses and a reasong to buy a pair that looks like this;

(to Glitter, that's all I'm saying!)
At least I've got and idea of how I will look May 2nd, haha.
Now I it want an ice pop!

it's over nooooow

It was really good if I can say so, but God how much you details you have to count in, like the right beat and shit...

Now I'm gonna work a little with Adobe Premiere Pro and see if it can be fixed so I can start with the M07 video
I live a busy life!

what's with the snow?

I mean seriously! Fun to wake up and look out the window and see how the snow is falling!
SNOW! Not cold enough for it to stick to the ground, but snow nonetheless!
Shit land!

in the summer time

I have to agree witht hem!
But what the hell, you have to take advantage of the sun when it's out *is anguished over the fact that autnumn is coming in five months*


Last night was a day from hell, and I got inside my own fron door 00:30 and could fall asleep.
I woke up twenty minutes ago, because the alarm clock didn't move me.
Now I'm hurrying off to school.

Most Played

Pretty easy to see that Hadouken! has made my week! ;)
Now I'm gonna look for fonts and study if there's any time!

The random picture of the day

I think I used this picture as an avatar for a roleplay or something like that. I can't actualy remember that well. But I do remember that I thought it was extremely cool!

when it felt so right last night

Afterwards I was really tired but I didn't want to go home to the drabness that waited so I followed Jacob like a little puppy and waited for him to decide if he was going for a beer.
It ended with us sitting with The Big Boss(es), Tommy and Jonas and a few people from bar. Bruno, Oscar and Moa was there too. I didn't drink anything, because I lost the spirit when we got to the bar and got really tired instead. But I stayed and was social and got to hear a funny story about Oscar's graduation.
Got home and watched The Ugly Truth and half of She's the man before I passed out.
Life is fun. I think

The creepy thing by Graham Joyce

Caz and Lucy thinks it's pretty cool to do the Creepy Thing. After all, it's just a game. No one gets hurt, right? But Caz plays one game too many and gets more than she bargained for. MUCH more.
Caz believes she's been cursed. Her life is now chained to the hag who lives at 13 Briar Street and she's being stalked by a terrifying shadow-person. What does it want? And how can Caz get her life back?
Maybe the answers are to be found in the seedy Black Dog pub, or the hair-raising church, or down at the tattoo parlour. One thing is certain - Caz won't be doing the Creepy Thing again.
I finished this book the other day, and I have to say that it was good. Not a book that I would reread in a while. but good enough not to regret that I read it.
First I thought it the moral of the story would be about sex (Creepy thing) and stuff, but it came to be about something completely different, and it was a good story. I can even admit that I got a bit freaked out a few times when I was reading and though that someone would grip my wrist.

you wake up in the morning with the feeling that something's wrong

So it was just to put the alarm at eight, snooze to nine and then starting getting ready!
The bus leaves 09:28 and I'm not even half done!

Kiss yourself goodnight

It feels like I can't write fast enough, because the story just want to get out, it wants to show itself and it want criticism and praise. It wants to be read. But it's just not going dast enough.
At least now I've done small 'outlines' for all the remaining chapters (seven of them) so now I know exactly what I will write about. Now I just have to actually do it. Am soon done with chapter 14 and I'm happy about that, it's been a hard chapter and I've during the writing of this I've found a lot of things I need to change because the story did a dramatic change all of a sudden.
But I think that it'll become quite good, so with this I say good night because I'm gonna go to bed and watch Vampire Diaries.

The random picture of the day

This little pearl was handed to me for inspiration for a standalone competition when I was still hanging around on the McFly forum, and I remember thet I was quite happy with the result.
My entry got the name The love letter, and was about a girl who got a letter from her dead boyfriend where he told her she had to move on.
And it's a nice picture!

Kick-Ass kicked ass

To start with, I have to say that I thought that the movie Kick-Ass would be a bit of a comical, childish movie that would be charmy and cosy to watch, a bit like the Spiderman movies in its fight scenes.
Oh, I was wrong!
The movie was brutal and bloody with cursewords and an eleven year old girl who mass murderes without any problems. It was more like Sin City than Spiderman and is, exactly like SC, based on a comic book. This can seem discouraging for some (and it's absolutely not a movie you take your younger kids to see, if they're not already that fucked up byt violence so that the blood will be no problem for them), but the film was totally in my elemen and fitted me really well
And on top of that, it was some High school in it (a film genre I in secret adores) and the mandatory love trouble (which was made more funny with rumours about homosexuality), and the humour was right like I wanted it, a bit dry and awkward, which for me is love!
So Kick-Ass totally kicked ass, according to me!

Smell ya later

I'm off!

Kick Ass

In about an hour I am to go to Stockholm City to have a watch at the movie Kick Ass together with Helena, Hannan and Lina.
Will be back later and give you a tasty review and a endless whining over Aaron Johnsson's hotness.

The random picture of the day

It's a little project I wanted to start, just because!
Deal with it!
This picture is from my McFly obsession. For those of you who don't know this, this lovely person on the picture is the bassist in the band and is called Dougie Lee Poynter (goes under the name Dougie Poynter) and is one of England's most fittest men (man and man...he's like 23 and too childish to be called a man!)

Where did the money go?

Took out the money for the tickets I have to buy and then I went on some unplanned shopping spree with Helena and Hannan after school.
Smart Kim, really!
Well well, I'm happy anyway, and as usual I managed to find some really good stuff!

Sunglasses — 49:-

Studded bracelets — 29:- respektive 39:-

Tulle skirt — 50:-

Belt — 20:-

Bag — 249:-

Nail file and comb — 20:-
Totally: 854 Swedish kronor
The question is: Where did Kim's money go? :(
But I did manage to get my hands on two t-shirts from the Hockey today, so now I've got even more sleeping shirts (I already have the red one, hihihi, not because I'm a Djurgårds fan)! ♥
AND, I got flirted with, AND I got 45 SEK in tips. Suck on that!

I wanna take your mind and soul

Hadouken! - Mic Check
Let's get pumped, people!Nu jävlar taggar vi till, folket!
(I secretely want to be the girl in the band)

Today I was...

Afterwards I went with Helena and Hannan to the mall where we ate some food and talked. Met Helena's friend Totte too, and we had ice cream and a nice time.
Anytime now I'm going into town to meet White and eat dinner, and then it's time for Debaser!
I've also managed to figure out where my characters has taken my story and have created a chapter indes with what will happen in every chapter, kind of.
This will be done before you can say hopschotch!

Twilight madness

Let's start with the awesome avatars!
Closly followed by these nice ones
And last but not least, the animation that had me laughing for minutes
Yum ♥

Bitter memories

Now I'm gonna pretend that I'm doing something productive for a while more, and then I think I'm going to sleep.
Tomorrow it's health tests and In This Great Future at Debaser.

You have 0 new messages


My study list!

Will she make it?
Especially since it's already time to go back to Korpen.
I came so far!


A walk and an energy drink later...

Today I was cool, and found my hoodies that's been lying at Korpen since October or something.
IT all went down kinda like this.
Korpenleader: We've got so much things here that people forget...
Kim: Yeah, I lost my hoodie here...*turns around* Oh, here it is!
So points to me! ;D

Now I'm gonna study a bit more before it's time to go back!

Yeah, okay

I'm on my way now!
Fell asleep really werdly last night. First on the couch, and then around eight I got up and walked to the bed and passed out there. Woke up around ten thirty, thought I was going to school, went to bathroom and see that gran's watching TV.
Go back to bed, watch Flight of the Conchords and fall asleep after an hour.
Waking up now.
Yeah, okay!


This is seriously ridiculous!
I'll tell you, me and that nark who took too much amphetamine and thanks to that has sleeping problems.
And all the insomniacs, can't forget about them!


Although my shift ended at eight, but I had to go over to Globen and beg for som cigarettes from Jenny (I know, shame on me, but I had a valid reason) and then it ended with me standing there and chilling.
Then Oscar and I walked around, looked a bit on the opera etc. We ended up in Legends for a while too.
Point is that I just got up home and I need to be up and work again any minutes.
Then I had to clean out a moudly ice cream box. Hooray!
Wanted to throw up.

Time for work

Well well, nothing's gonna beat tomorrow when I have to be there at six o' clock and have a coffe race.
I'm a bit bitter today.

The devil wears prada

I didn't go to the party, I just couldn't bother. Instead I've laid and watched TV for a couple of hours and now the news are on (R.I.P the president of Polen btw), because Channel four has some weird system with their film shows. But I have some really good ideas for the new book I'm gonna write after Issues.

hot mess

I've slept so much that I should've caught up with all the sleep I've lost and not be so dazed, but that's not the case.
I've laid around on the couch since I woke up around two and watched New Moon and played some game containing all the Nintendo characters in the same game, without any thought of antyhing, and in about an hour I'm supposed to be ready to go to a party.
Not cool!
I don't know what's wrong with me.
I've got sore muscles too. And bruises.
Anyway, I should get going if I'll have a chance in hell of making it.

Night music

We are rockstars - Does it offend you, yeah?
Dawn of the dead - Does it offend you, yeah?
Let's make out - Does it offend you, yeah?
M.A.D - Hadouken!
Ugly - Hadouken!
Turn the lights of - Hadouken!
Propane nightmares - Pendulum
Blood sugar - Pendulum

Small changes

It took some time (two hours), but that's because I don't know the program I'm using, becuase Photoshop takes too much space for my poor work computer to handle.
But I'm satisfied and that's the main point!
Anyway, I'll write a little on the book now.

You know you're a writer when...

Who needs clothes and make-up when you can buy that pen, and that book that will help you become a better writer and which gives healthy advices?

How else are you supposed to write down all the important thoughts that pops up when you least expects it?

If you see more than one, you get angsty and don't know which one you should buy. Often it ends with you buying them both because you consider it an investment.

It doesn't matter if you're just out for a walk, or have a deep conversation with your best friend. In some way, your brain is already working to replace the name, the places and the conversation so that it fits your characters.

Nothing stops your writing, not even the knowledge that you're supposed to be in school/work in three hours and you haven't slept a thing.

And when they ask you say; "Oh you know that..." and then it's still no one who understands.

The way that author wrote, or how this writer always uses exactly those words. No matter what you read it's always something you notice and then can't let go. Mostly because you don't know you've noticed it.

"No, I can't right now, I have to finish this chapter!"

Instead of doing what you should, you write on that new idea you got, so fast so it won't disappear. If you aren'y writing you're sitting and staring out the window/at the watch in despar, and doubt yourself as an author and started to question whether or not you've got writer's block.

You can sit for hours and just stare and think about nothing in general, and poeple sometimes wonder if you're dead.

Ruined plans

Mum had invited some of her friends for dinner, and somehow I got a part of it all. And I have three dogs in my bedroom, wheras one of them have made itself at home in my bed, and the other one has drooled all over my bunny tail.
Anyway, I got my two hours in front of the TV and now I have to take it as it comes!
It's gonna be some good cooking two! Grilled meat and potato gratain, so I don't even know what I whine about!

Sarah Dessen mania

For thos of you who read this, you know I bought Along for the ride about a week ago, and I'm reading it now. That book is only one from a whole bunch of books that Sarah Dessen have written, and I have to say that I am in love with that whole bunch. The first book was Just Listen, the other The Truth about Forever. Closly followed by Lock and Key which I bought when Camilla and I were in London. There she also bought This Lullaby which I finished in a couple of days.
Dessen writes in a capturing way for teenage girls, and I can proudly say that I'm as stuck as any other tweenager, because I have a tendancy to fall in love with the male characters (I'm a sucker for love), and even though her books (the ones I've read) follows the same pattern—girl has som for of problem, starts hanging around with new people, sometimes the guy she later falls un love with, it's complicated in the beginning, then everyting turns out okay, the girl solves her problem—it still varies a lot!
I like!
(I didn't find the British cover for This Lullaby and I think the American ones are ugly, so I didn't upload it)

Life of Facebook

Instead I sit at Facebook and watch pictures, and then I found this one with the comments to.
I have to say that I laughed right out. In my room. At a quarter to one in the night. Alone.

Love it.
Then I found another one, but then it was just the comments which were funny. The picture was only sad!

Everything is funny on Facebook.
Kind of.

There was a party and some work, where did life go?

I've worked and I was out partying last night, and the lack of posts during the days is because I didn't spend the night at home and didn't have acess to internet before it was time for work again.
What really happened the closest friends know, and one poor work mate who had to know because I was so freaking excited...kind of...
But all I can say is; RESULT!
And give you a picture of a piece of candy that's not where it's supposed to be

Find the error?
No, now it's time for me to catch up one some of that sleep.


After a long, hot shower and half a litre water during the night/morning, I feel fine!
It didn't really become a sit-at-home-and-watch-TV-night last night, because Jenny called and said that I had to come with them to Oscar, and just like that, I was dressed, made-up and all done, on my way into town.
Thing is, it went out of control in the end, I didn't feel that good but Camilla took care of me and made sure I got home, so awesome points to her ♥
Now I'm gonna try to eat some lunch, then I'm gonna chill and wait until five o' clock, then it's time for work!

in a city pressure

I've spent the day lying and watching the first season of Flight of the Conchords.
Then for some reason I started working out, and I was even out jogging a quicky.
Felt that it was time to take up this whole Beach - 10 thing, especially since I said that as soon as the snow disappeared I was going to start running.
Well well, I've eaten an easy dinner, because of laziness and exhaustion and I think I'm gonna lay down and read until Desperate Housewives starts, or write a little one chapter foruteen on the book.
After all, I finished last night!

I sit down...

...load up with sparkling water (my new drug ♥) and inspiring music and start to write.
I've just seen Avatar, so I'm really inspired and just want to write, write, write.
Hear from you tomorrow peeps, it's gonna be a long night!

Chapter Thirteen

The chapter will most definitely be done tonight.
E've written a little everywhere possible, on the bus to and from work, today when I waited for the Xumba pass I was holding, and last night when I watched the CSI trilogy and Criminal Minds.
I have the whole outline of the chapter done and I'm just waiting for the words to fill in all the details.
While you wait you can have a preview of the chapter;
You know it’s summer when you and your friends starts wearing shorts and a top and only complains a tiny but about the cold. And summer must be the greatest time of the year, no discussion. At east that’s what I thought, until I met Cole Bourdon.
Cole wasn’t the average talkative guy like the rest of the bunch. Instead he mostly lurked around in the background looking grumpy and glaring at people as soon as they even thought about talking to him. It was the guys (and Tangerine for some reason) who dared to even cross his path (the guys treated him like anyone else, joking and stuff even if the repeated response was silence). But when summer came he got started. It was too hot, too crowded, too much noise, and, on top of it all, Cole was allergic to pollen, which made him sneeze like a loon, and then complain about it.
Because of Cole’s characteristic whining that had started a few weeks earlier, I was surprised when he tagged along today. There was this mini festival with a lot of awesome bands and it had everything that he detested; big crowds, loud noises, a lot of grass, and as the cherry on top; it was a bright, cloudless, sunny day, rare for the English weather. Despite all of that here he was, enjoying himself. My theory was that he just didn’t want to be the only one who didn’t go to this and then had to stand the other guys talk non stop about how cool and awesome Enter Shikari was, which was the reason why we had gotten them to join us in the first place.
Us girls had just settled down on the grass after an awesome performance by Pendulum and the roadies were busy redoing the stage and doing roadie stuff to prepare for Hadouken! who were next in line. I lit up a fag and stared up at the sky above. Mandy, Tangerine and Fran (who were the only ones to like this kind of music enough to pay to see it) followed my example, except the smoking part.
“I don’t think I’ve ever experiences this kind of weather before,” Mandy said and stretched her hand towards the sun.
“I know,” I agreed. “It’s like God wanted us to enjoy this.”
“God doesn’t exist, you know,” Tange piped in.
I patted her head and sucked on my cigarette. “I know my dim friend. And you know that it’s just a figure of speech.” I was strangely in a really good mood for being me and considering everything that went on in my life, but how could I not? I was at the greatest mini festival ever, which contained nearly everyone of my favourite bands, the sun was shining and I had my cigarettes, which I more or less chain smoked between gigs.


Imagine that song they play in the commerical for Grumme tvättsåpa, the one which's in Peer Gynt.
And then you picture me. I open my eyes slowly, happy that it's a new day today. I life my head from my pillow and stretch, like a cat..
"Oh what a wonderful day it is today, and how happy I f—"
*looks out the window and sees this;

"—snow?......SNOW?! SNOOOOOW?!"

the tomorrow of today

But that only gives me time for some book writing, and I think I'll sit down and try and finish Chapter 13 now
(HAH, what?)

Work, work, woooooork

Yet another thing why I never want to grow up!
But I've changed my band aid to a super cool Batman one instead, so now I'm so fashion (read nerdy)

it's the place to be

Today I worked and I stood with a really cool girl and we had so much fun.
Though I have realized that people from Linköping are;
*Very cheap
*Very rude
And then they talk funny too. Now I don't mean all these people, but those whom I met.
Well, because I was called Stockholmsfitta (Stockholm cunt) four times under the first paus (by the same person).
Jesper saved my day though, when I mentioned that I was going to start a blog with that name.
Jesper: But then we can team up. I'm starting a blog that's called Lady Stardust, and I'm gonna dress up as Babsan.
Earlier during the day Oscar had made my day too, when we were eating lunch.
This was the conversation that followed;

What wasn't as funny was that I hurt my thumb. I did something, grabbed a metal bar and pulled so now I've got a really deep cut in my thumb.
I had to change band aid after about two minutes because it was bleeding so much.
And on top of that I'm getting a cold sore too, so minus points on that :(

When my shift finally ended I got to the bus stop and waited, and all of a sudden an old friend of mine shows up, and in some way it ends with her having convinced me to come with her to a party, so I put down the book in my bag, jump on another bus and spends the trip putting some make-up on.
We go to home to some guy I've never met before and sit with a bunch of guys I've also never met before.
In the beginning it was really awkwaaard even though everyone was nice to me, but after a while it got a lot less tense and I was myself with them and just let loose. I think I was accepted into the group.
And it was one of them who got it into his mind that all I though about was the size of a guy, something he walked around and told everyone. The worst part was that everyone believe him, despite me explained over and over again that that wasn't the case. Another one got it into his mind that he was going to set me up with someone there (and it then turned out that we had more in common than we though, and another wanted to give a guy's number to me, because we had "hold hands" (when it really was us splitting a cigarette...)
The guy who claimed that I was only interested in the size of a guy was also the one who helped me with my problems about The Hot Bartender, and he gave me some flirting tips in his drunken haze. I think that I, despite my better judgement, will try out his theroies. Cause, exactly like he said, what do I have to lose?
Except my dignity...
(He was also awesomely good in reading me. He hit bull's eye in almost everything he said about me and my behaviour, and probably The Hot Bartender too...In my eyes he looks like the type The help described)
We sang Lips too. It was really niiiice!
So all in all, I've had an awesome day, and I'm happy. Despite that I met Dampe at the bus when I left with Axel and RIlle because they were going to eat Gryos, and got a bit sad in the end when I got home because I got disappointed. But then I thought, Meh, I've had a fucking fantastic night, so what difference does it make? And then the Gyros boys fought over which of them were nicer to me.
Axel: Is this your stop?
Kim: Yes...
Axel: Look how nice I am! *hugs Kim* Have a good time now!
Rille: *hugs Kim* Have a really good time!
Kim: *stands by the door*
Axel: If there's any trouble I'll jump off at Masten, I promise!
Rille: I can get off now if you want! If there's any trouble, I mean!
Axel: Me too!
I laughed, went off the bus and skipped home.
No, now I'm going to bed, I have work in the morning!
Now it got one of those damn posts with a lot of text!N
Hah! :D
Well, what do you do?

Party everyday


you ain't seen nothing yet

I'm sitting and eating candy and preparing myself mentally to prepare myself for work.
Should get a move on because the bus leaves in 40 minutes and by then I must have changed clothes, put my make-up on and be ready. I must have eaten gran's lunch and I must've packed clothes for the night, it's partay time!
It's gonna be nice!
Until next time!

Chapter Twelve - Done and done

I'm done with chapter twelve on the book, and I've written a check list with things that's gonna happen in chapter thirteen, so I've got something to do if it's a slow day at work tomorrow.
Draft as promised!
New year’s were celebrated at the Twins' place with everyone we knew, and some we didn’t know too. It had been the greatest party known to the history of parties, with a lot of dancing (the guys danced too and that ought to count for something), a lot of drinking and a lot of shouting as the countdown to the new year started. Mandy’s and Mary’s parents had not been happy with them when they had gotten home and had found the house in such trashed state (they may have forgotten to mention the involving of sixteen other people. As far as Mr. and Mrs. Ross knew, it would be only us girls).
Yes, time passed by with such speed that it was impossible to keep up with it. Days turned into weeks, weeks to months and before we all knew it, our A-levels were done, everything got warmer and college ended. We were free, at least until the end of summer when some of us would go to uni (I wasn’t included in that group).
With time’s movements came everything from birthdays and wild partying to slow film nights at Dave’s place and hangover lunches at Burger King, but all those things blurred together into one massive memory and a feeling that we had had a good time.

He he he

To have kept the blog alive for 30 hours, I think I've manage quite well

Or am I wrong?

don't try it


a night to remember

Oh yes!
It all started with me, sitting on the bus. I was in the back and minded my own business, so to speak. There was a gans of girls in front of me who were talking and being generally girly. I stared out the window for a while, and then looked straight ahead, and I was sitting so I saw the girl closest to the aisle. She was fiddling with her mobile phone, and when I really looked I saw that she had a picture of a cock up. A enormous thing. For some reason I started grinning and thought of Ted's naked woman laugh.
Anyway. I knew before I got in line that there was no way in hell that I was going to get in without paying. And the guys in front of me knew so too. Funny enough that they didn't even know which band was playing.
"I think they're called, Do you feel offended, yeah?"
I was about to laugh myself to death when I heard it. Close, but sorry, no prize in brains there. Then they talked about how they were going to say that they knew the band (in the same conversation where they got the band's name wrong), and when they found out that they were British they started talking about how to talk english.
Guy 1: But then we have to have a British accent!
Guy 2: It doesn't matter. You just talk good english! The guards are so stupid, they won't get it anyway.
I felt the urge to tell them, in my super excellent British accent (or not) that it's actually not that easy as one may think, but I just stood and grinned to myself instead.
When I got inside I stood alone, and I got really happy when Jamie T's Sticks n' stones played. So happy that I started singing along.
Then I saw the world's thinnest girl. And then I really mean THE WORLD'S THINNEST.
I've never seen anyone with so thin of a waist before. It was almost scary.
The gig was awesome, it was like Pendulum and Haduken! mixed into a super band! (Spotify or Youtube them!!)

Does it offend you, yeah

I'm going to Debaser to watch Does it offend you, yeah? now.
I can't stand just sitting around at home, doing nothing.
You gotta live a little

ready for my close up

Happy Easter

I'm telling you; WOLF PACK <3
Dad came around with an easter egg from grandma and grandpa and then he left again. It feels a bit weird, this will be the first easter completely withous his presence.
We're having the dinner at our place for the first time (normally we always eat at gran's), and then later at night I have no idea what's going on.
It'll be a later problem.
What are you up to today/tonigth?

Nighty night

Now I'm going to bed to read The Truth About Forever, and then I think I'm gonna sleep a little.