Missing : Grandfather

Mum told me today that the candles in the living room is burning for my grandfather. A grandfather I never met in an age where I could actually remember it, that I never got to know. Apparently it's exactly 18 years since he died and left so many behind.
I can somehow not feel the same way as, for example, mum or gran does. They remember him and mourn his passing by lighting candles, but what about me? Why is the candles burning in my room too? I had not capability of feeling grief when I was so small, I hadn't the capability of even knowing what had happened. I've grown up with a grandfather who's dead. And that's what I believe I'm thinking of today. I grieve that I never got the chance to know what it's like to have a grandfather.


I've procrastinated the tidying of my room for far too long! But now it's finally done! Quest completed!
To celebrate this glorious event, I've lit up some candles to increase the factor of cosiness and will now lean back with a magazine and a book and let the night take care of itself.
To celebrate this glorious event, I've lit up some candles to increase the factor of cosiness and will now lean back with a magazine and a book and let the night take care of itself.


I'm at Bruno's now and waiting for the others (thought I would be the last one to come, considering the time it is now and the time they said everyone would come, but I was one of the first). I've had one hell of an adventure coming here.
Everything started out okay, went from home, went to Slussen, got on the right bus. When I was on the bus I thought I was going to call Oscar to check where they were and where I was going off because I had absolutely no clue. A bitter female voice then said to me; "Your subscription has been blocked for this kind of call!"
So I went, without any idea where I was going (except that it was to Värmdö) and with a gnawing feeling in my stomach that I was going to die. But I managed to get off at the right stop, but then the next adventure dawned upon me - to find Bruno's apartment. I walked around in the neighbourhood aroind peoples' balconies while looking through everyones' windows to find the apartment of which I recognized the interior of.
Eventually I found Gaél sitting in a sofa and jumped around a little to get his attention. He opened and I got in. Adventure over! Quest completed!

I'm so tired! SO TIRED!

To say that I'm tired is something I can say over and over again! I've been close to falling asleep standing up, and even walking around, that have to mean something about my current state.
Just got back from work, the last day in a loooooong work week, and I've already snuck down in the bed as I fight the urge to close my eyes!
BUT IT'S OVER NOW! And I've got two whole days of free time before I have to go back. I'm only booked on two events, which from an echonomical view is bad, but not from a human view. I would become psychotic otherwise and get locked in!
Tomorrow it was meant for me to just lay around in bed all day and not move more than a few centimetres in every direction, but instead I'm going to Bruno to celebrate Rico who turns 21. We're celebrating with christmas pottering!
Time to sleep! Maybe?
Just got back from work, the last day in a loooooong work week, and I've already snuck down in the bed as I fight the urge to close my eyes!
BUT IT'S OVER NOW! And I've got two whole days of free time before I have to go back. I'm only booked on two events, which from an echonomical view is bad, but not from a human view. I would become psychotic otherwise and get locked in!
Tomorrow it was meant for me to just lay around in bed all day and not move more than a few centimetres in every direction, but instead I'm going to Bruno to celebrate Rico who turns 21. We're celebrating with christmas pottering!
Time to sleep! Maybe?

Party party party!

Am ready (although my eyes have gone red from too much eyeshadow in the wrong place)
Let's roll!
Let's roll!

Out of here

In lack of other things to say (things that actually mean something), I throw up yet another "I'm going to work now"-post. I have no life.

A morning like all others

Woke up from a half nice/half weird dream about New Years, and finished watching Kung Fu Kid which I had started looking at last night but fell asleep during. Cried a little, laughed a little and cried a bit more.
Further than that I haven't gotten today, but in about five minutes I'm gonna start preparing myself for work.
I need to tidy my room too...someday!
Further than that I haven't gotten today, but in about five minutes I'm gonna start preparing myself for work.
I need to tidy my room too...someday!
Bed head

Time for work

I slept really badly last night because of Harry Potter. I was reading and I couldn't put it away because it was so close to the end and everything got fucked up (Fred </3), but I'm up and I'm going to work. Dress rehersal for Swedish Idol (but whyyy?) and the candy doesn't sell itself...or...at least it doesn't pay for itself!

Good night world!

As you can see, I've totally changed the design! Something I just thought of doing all of a sudden and spent five hours doing. I'm really satisfied!
I'm also working with translating ALL of my blog posts to English. I have created an exact copy of my blog but tot the few english speaking people who maybe (not) reads this. It's about 400 posts and so far I've done up to the 5th of April, which is six days in (Regret my long posts now!)
It's gonna take a while, but it will be done, sooner or later!
I mean, who needs sleep?
I'm also working with translating ALL of my blog posts to English. I have created an exact copy of my blog but tot the few english speaking people who maybe (not) reads this. It's about 400 posts and so far I've done up to the 5th of April, which is six days in (Regret my long posts now!)
It's gonna take a while, but it will be done, sooner or later!
I mean, who needs sleep?

and then you get the question "How was your weekend?"

Yeah, in about 20 minutes I'm gonna take my things and go to work for yet another work day, then Jenny and I are going out and on Sunday it's work again.
Last night I worked and afterwards I went out and took a beer with Jenny and the Sturk.
Anyone else who thinks that this sounds a lot like my last weekened?
It's because last weekend I did pretty much the same thing, and I know that next weekend will be exactly the same because it's LG on Globen and the staff party the same weekend.
Then you get the question "How was your weekend?" And what the hell do one reply to that?
I was working for ten hours, then I partied for fice!
That doesn't sound sane.
So what am I doing for my weekends?
I'm working and bouse away money I don't have.
Last night I worked and afterwards I went out and took a beer with Jenny and the Sturk.
Anyone else who thinks that this sounds a lot like my last weekened?
It's because last weekend I did pretty much the same thing, and I know that next weekend will be exactly the same because it's LG on Globen and the staff party the same weekend.
Then you get the question "How was your weekend?" And what the hell do one reply to that?
I was working for ten hours, then I partied for fice!
That doesn't sound sane.
So what am I doing for my weekends?
I'm working and bouse away money I don't have.


I just got home from the dentist who abused my mouth with a ultrasound and scraped away tartar. Before I left I got a text from an unknown number that said that there was a package at Konsum, waiting for me.
Can you guess what it was?
Not that hard maybe
So now I'm ready for graduation whether I want to or not.
Time for ice cream, then show, then work!
Can you guess what it was?
Not that hard maybe
So now I'm ready for graduation whether I want to or not.
Time for ice cream, then show, then work!

Bye bye M07

That damn song is imprinted in my brain now!
I've spent x number of hours with trying to fix that video and now all the pictures are in sync with the song and a few small details have been fixed. This can be good.
Now it's just that part where I have to write all the remaining essays then, but it'll god fast if I put my mind to it, and then I'm rewarding myself by sitting outside at Trollbäckens IP and watch a football game.
I've said that I'll bring pom poms with me.
I've spent x number of hours with trying to fix that video and now all the pictures are in sync with the song and a few small details have been fixed. This can be good.
Now it's just that part where I have to write all the remaining essays then, but it'll god fast if I put my mind to it, and then I'm rewarding myself by sitting outside at Trollbäckens IP and watch a football game.
I've said that I'll bring pom poms with me.

it's the one thing on my mind

For some reason I'm listening to the Camp Rock soundtrack (don't ask). Got the urge to listen to them when I was looking through my entire music library after songs for the M07 video. It's what I've been doing the last couple of hours.
AND, I've come to the decision that I will be Katy Perry on the staff party, and I've got almost everything I need, except jewellery, dress, hair, make up technique...
Well well, at least I've got a pair of heart shaped sunglasses and a reasong to buy a pair that looks like this;

(to Glitter, that's all I'm saying!)
AND, I've come to the decision that I will be Katy Perry on the staff party, and I've got almost everything I need, except jewellery, dress, hair, make up technique...
Well well, at least I've got a pair of heart shaped sunglasses and a reasong to buy a pair that looks like this;

(to Glitter, that's all I'm saying!)
At least I've got and idea of how I will look May 2nd, haha.
Now I it want an ice pop!

it's over nooooow

Been sitting for an hour trying to fix the song for our mösspåtagning and stuff like that.
It was really good if I can say so, but God how much you details you have to count in, like the right beat and shit...

Now I'm gonna work a little with Adobe Premiere Pro and see if it can be fixed so I can start with the M07 video
I live a busy life!
It was really good if I can say so, but God how much you details you have to count in, like the right beat and shit...

Now I'm gonna work a little with Adobe Premiere Pro and see if it can be fixed so I can start with the M07 video
I live a busy life!

what's with the snow?

I mean seriously! Fun to wake up and look out the window and see how the snow is falling!
SNOW! Not cold enough for it to stick to the ground, but snow nonetheless!
Shit land!

in the summer time

Today people said I was summer-y
I have to agree witht hem!
But what the hell, you have to take advantage of the sun when it's out *is anguished over the fact that autnumn is coming in five months*
I have to agree witht hem!
But what the hell, you have to take advantage of the sun when it's out *is anguished over the fact that autnumn is coming in five months*


What's with work beeing pissy and hard nowadays?
Last night was a day from hell, and I got inside my own fron door 00:30 and could fall asleep.
I woke up twenty minutes ago, because the alarm clock didn't move me.
Now I'm hurrying off to school.
Last night was a day from hell, and I got inside my own fron door 00:30 and could fall asleep.
I woke up twenty minutes ago, because the alarm clock didn't move me.
Now I'm hurrying off to school.

when it felt so right last night

Today was a terrible day at work, and working was all that I did.
Afterwards I was really tired but I didn't want to go home to the drabness that waited so I followed Jacob like a little puppy and waited for him to decide if he was going for a beer.
It ended with us sitting with The Big Boss(es), Tommy and Jonas and a few people from bar. Bruno, Oscar and Moa was there too. I didn't drink anything, because I lost the spirit when we got to the bar and got really tired instead. But I stayed and was social and got to hear a funny story about Oscar's graduation.
Got home and watched The Ugly Truth and half of She's the man before I passed out.
Life is fun. I think
Afterwards I was really tired but I didn't want to go home to the drabness that waited so I followed Jacob like a little puppy and waited for him to decide if he was going for a beer.
It ended with us sitting with The Big Boss(es), Tommy and Jonas and a few people from bar. Bruno, Oscar and Moa was there too. I didn't drink anything, because I lost the spirit when we got to the bar and got really tired instead. But I stayed and was social and got to hear a funny story about Oscar's graduation.
Got home and watched The Ugly Truth and half of She's the man before I passed out.
Life is fun. I think

you wake up in the morning with the feeling that something's wrong

I was just going to check when classes started. 10:00...
So it was just to put the alarm at eight, snooze to nine and then starting getting ready!
The bus leaves 09:28 and I'm not even half done!
So it was just to put the alarm at eight, snooze to nine and then starting getting ready!
The bus leaves 09:28 and I'm not even half done!

Smell ya later

I'm off!