Christmas shopping

Today I've shopped Christmas gifts with Bella. Christmas gifts that, all put together (including food and drink) cost me 911 SEK.
Though I shopped for a total of 1969 SEK, and the rest of the money went to me and my well-being.
Bought a dress I can wear on New Year's even, two pairs of shoes because mum whines about me taking hers, and, for some reason, a japanese/english dictionary.
Now it's unbelieably empty in the wallet, considering that I need to buy a bus card and other stuff for New Year's, AND put away some money for Japan. Fun life!

Where did the money go?

As usual I got my paycheck today (less than I thought, grrr) and as usual it was also gone today!
Took out the money for the tickets I have to buy and then I went on some unplanned shopping spree with Helena and Hannan after school.
Smart Kim, really!
Well well, I'm happy anyway, and as usual I managed to find some really good stuff!

Sunglasses — 49:-

Studded bracelets — 29:- respektive 39:-

Tulle skirt — 50:-

Belt — 20:-

Bag — 249:-

Nail file and comb — 20:-
Totally: 854 Swedish kronor
The question is: Where did Kim's money go? :(
But I did manage to get my hands on two t-shirts from the Hockey today, so now I've got even more sleeping shirts (I already have the red one, hihihi, not because I'm a Djurgårds fan)! ♥
AND, I got flirted with, AND I got 45 SEK in tips. Suck on that!
Took out the money for the tickets I have to buy and then I went on some unplanned shopping spree with Helena and Hannan after school.
Smart Kim, really!
Well well, I'm happy anyway, and as usual I managed to find some really good stuff!
The dress that I was gonna buy "in two weeks" if it was still there, because that would prove that it was meant to be — 199 :-

My graduation dress (SCORE!) — 199:-

Sunglasses — 49:-

Studded bracelets — 29:- respektive 39:-

Tulle skirt — 50:-

Belt — 20:-

Bag — 249:-

Nail file and comb — 20:-
Totally: 854 Swedish kronor
The question is: Where did Kim's money go? :(
But I did manage to get my hands on two t-shirts from the Hockey today, so now I've got even more sleeping shirts (I already have the red one, hihihi, not because I'm a Djurgårds fan)! ♥
AND, I got flirted with, AND I got 45 SEK in tips. Suck on that!

Shopping Spree!

I have spent the day with Helena, Lina, Hannan and her two friends. In the beginning we were meant to do some studying, but it ended with me coming with them to Stockholm, where we walked around for about six hours. Managed to keep my wallet shut pretty well, but I bought some things.
Bok — 119:-
New Moon — 179:-
Scarf — 18:- (I know!)
New Moon — 179:-
Scarf — 18:- (I know!)