Christmas shopping

Today I've shopped Christmas gifts with Bella. Christmas gifts that, all put together (including food and drink) cost me 911 SEK.
Though I shopped for a total of 1969 SEK, and the rest of the money went to me and my well-being.
Bought a dress I can wear on New Year's even, two pairs of shoes because mum whines about me taking hers, and, for some reason, a japanese/english dictionary.
Now it's unbelieably empty in the wallet, considering that I need to buy a bus card and other stuff for New Year's, AND put away some money for Japan. Fun life!

Postat av: Anton & Malin
Kika gärna in vår video också från när vi var med i radio :)
Postat av: King
Åh måste också shoppa julklappar.. Men mest måste jag shoppa till mig själv, hehe